Careers Advice

Through our ITT Future You social platforms we aim to help promote the range of careers and opportunities in the sector, building on our Future You initiative. Our various social media sites will include up to date content from a variety of sources including video blogs from a range of different industry professionals, rising stars andrecent graduates to showcase the variety of roles our sector offers. Please visit and follow to keep up to date with our latest news:
You Tube - ITT Future You
Facebook - ITT Future You
Twitter - @ITT Future You
Instagram - ITT Future You
Linked In - ITT Future You
There are many other sources of advice on the huge range of careers in Travel and Tourism.
We recommend that you visit the following for advice and inspiration:
ABTA The Travel Association
Travel Weekly’s Take Off In Travel
THE BTA - "Your career can travel", careers brochure
The BTA - Business Travel Association - Who's Hiring
Hospitality Rising
There are also a number of leading recruitment companies that specialise in Travel and Tourism:
Antella Travel Recruitment
C&M Travel Recruitment
Gail Kenny Executive Recruitment
Gecko Recruitment